About Journal


International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences (ISSN NO. Print : 0975-1718, Online: 2249-3247) was started in 2009 with the aim to create an environment of all Applied Sciences research as well as to encourage the budding scientists of World. It is an international, free open access, peer reviewed, refereed journal, published both on line as well as in print version. IJTAS is publishing in English language and scholarly publication in the area of all Applied Sciences giving exciting current information of all Engineering and Applied Sciences.

IJTAS publishes original articles, reviews and short communications in the field of Applied Sciences, but not limited to: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biological Sciences, Food Sciences, Nutrition, Animal Science, Agriculture Sciences, Horticulture, Sericulture, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Physiology, Health and safety, Chemical Science, Ecology and Ecosystems, Environmental engineering, Environment Management, Environmental Impact Assessment, Risk assessment and management, Engineering Sciences, Material Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Computer Sciences and Decision Sciences .
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences” (IJTAS) (ISSN NO. Print : 0975-1718, Online: 2249-3247) has been Indexed and Abstracted in Thomson Reuters ResearcherID, Google Scholar, ProQuest Database, Scientific Citation Indexing (SCI), Journal Impact Factor, International Institute for Research Impact Factor Journals(IFJ), Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI), International Impact Factor Services, LinkedIn, Scholarsteer, WbSrch Web Search, International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) , Genamics JournalSeek, Directory of Abstract Indexing for Journals (DAIJ), ISI, International Institute for-Research, Universal Impact Factor, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, World cat, Scientific journal impact factor, Page glimpse, Researchbib, Slide share, Cite factor, International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF), Cosmos impact factor, K-Hub, Scribd, InfoBase Index, International Society for Research Activity (ISRA) Journal Impact Factor (JIF), Indian Science, and many more.

International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences
having a very broad International Editorial and Advisory Board which is equipped with a number of internationally reputed scientists who actively review the articles as well as give their valuable comments and directions for the improvement of the quality of the Journal.

-We have a fast online article submission and review system to publish the valuable research articles of the authors as early as possible, otherwise, intimated within one week.

– Authors submitting their research articles for publication are fully responsible for their research matter and the text, figures and views etc., the Research Trend and Editorial Board members are not responsible for any type of plagiarism or conflict which is severely condemn by the publisher.

-We are happy to announce that the articles published in “International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences” the copyright of the published article will be equally shared by the publisher as well as the author and both will have independent rights of using and getting the benefits of the article. The main author of the paper must be clearly mentioned in the article because the copyright benefits as well as the adverse responsibility also lie on the main author.