International Journal on Arts, Management and Humanities - Volume 7(1): 2018
Multicultural Themes in Khaled Hosseini's Novels: A Critical Analysis
Fayaz Ahmed Naik and Nidhi Tiwari
A Study of Academic Achievement of Senior Secondary School Students in Relation to their Anxiety and School Environment
Dr. Munni Kumari
Profitability Position of Commercial Banks in India - A Comparative Study
Kavita S. Vadrale* and Dr. (Mrs.) V.P. Katti**
Reading Walter Benjamin’s The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: The Concept of Aura and its varied Implications
Abhay Kumar Mishra
The governing features of Greek and Tamil Elegies as sharing the credit of standing in parallel lines in treatment of Themes: An Appraisal
Dr. S. Chelliah
A Comparative Study of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and English as a Second
Language (ESL) Programs for hotel management students
Omprakash Upadhyay
Spiritual Intelligence among Senior Secondary Students with Respect to Gender and Area
Jan Jahanger and Manzoor Ahmad Parray
Honour Killing in India: A Challenging Facet of Human Rights
Dr. Nitu Nawal
The Social and Personal Development of Women through Empowerment
Deepak Sharma and Davinder Kumar Pandey
An Expedition through the Conceptual Structure and Implementation of the Experiential Taxonomy in Science Teaching
Viji V.
Work Related Stress among Coal Mine workers: A study on select coal mines of Dhanbad & Jharia regions
Dr. Pradip Kumar Das
A Study of Relationship between Open Innovation & Business Model Innovation with Firm Performance
Deepika Kamboj
Nature, Origin and Development of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
Irfan Ashraf Bhat1, A. P. Pandey2 and Sona Shukla1
Character and Social Concerns: An Investigation of the Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
Aasif Ahmad Dar and Beena Lad
A Comparative Evaluation of Economic Considerations of India-ASEAN and SAARC
Irfan Ashraf Bhat1, A. P. Pandey2 and Sona Shukla1
Postmodernism and the Novels of Amitav Ghosh: A Comparison
Sheikh Muzafar Rashid and Beena Lad
Evolving Competition Jurisprudence in India
Sudhir Kumar Saklani
Surrogacy and Women in India: Issues and Perspectives
Dr. Reena Devi Chandel
A Comparative Study of some Traditional and Modern Methods of Teaching Learning Process
Dr. Ramesh Chand Sharma
Strategic Planning for Turning Technological and Managerial Challenges into
Shaizal Batra and Dr. Vikas Saraf
A Study on the Effectiveness of Declarative, Procedural and Conditional Knowledge for Physics among Higher Secondary Students with Reference to the 5E Teaching Learning Model
Mohd. Raees Khan1 and Dr. N.A. Kazi2
Showcasing Stratagems of Indian Auto Establishments: A Case Study of Hyundai Motor India Limited
Mohammad Sajid , Prof. (Dr.) R.K. Khajwaniya and Prof. (Dr.) N.C. Jain
A Study of Management of Workers’ Safety Labour Welfare practices in Private Enterprises in Mandideep
Shishir Shukla, Dr. B.D. Pandeyand Dr. Rishi Sharma3
An Analysis of ASEAN Initiatives for Narrowing the Development Gap: Issues and
Dr. Harsh Jhamb and Meena Singh
The State of Employment during Recession and Economic Slowdown
Pankaj Kumar Singh1 and Dr. Neha Mathur2
The State of Employment during Recession and Economic Slowdown
Pankaj Kumar Singh1 and Dr. Neha Mathur2
Understanding the Marginal Role of Women in Disaster Resilence in India
Sandeep K Sharma , Mamta Chhabra Sharma and Santosh Kumar Yadav
Self Esteem and Academic Achievement: A Study of Special Children in Rural Kashmir (J&K) India
Shafia Nazir
Study of some Historical Monuments in Srinagar City
Sayar Ahmad Dar and A. S. Arya