Instruction To Authors

The journal invites full and mini-review research articles, full length research articles and brief communication giving exciting current information of all Applied Sciences.
Title and authors names and address must be given in the front page. This must be followed by the abstract on separate page. Thereafter, material and method, results and discussion, acknowledgements, references. Tables, photographs and all figures including drawings, graphics, and diagrams must be attached after the references. Five type of manuscript may be submitted like, Original Papers, Rapid communication, Technical note, Review, Advancements in instrumentation. All manuscripts should be typed double-spaced and in 10 pt Time New Roman including, references, tables, figure). Manuscripts preferred for publication contain original work, focused on the core aims and scope of journal, clearly and correctly written and should be written clearly and grammatically. The manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter. It should have 50-100 words that contains Significance of work, Novelty of the work, Contribution to field/community.

Paper elements
Title page with: Names of authors with address and Personal e-mail addresses and mobile numbers

Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion,Conclusion, Future Scope, Acknowledgments, Reference lists
Tables, Figure captions Figures should be adjust in text where they needed.

Title of article – Title should be concise and informative describing the contents of pages.

Author name and affiliation – Author(s) name should be consists of first and middle name initial followed by full last name. In case with more than one author clearly indicate who is willing to handle correspondence concerning the paper i.e. correspondence author and use asterisk to indicate the corresponding author. Use the symbol 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc as superscripts to relate the authors to corresponding addresses. Provide the e-mail address, full postal address, mobile numbers of each author.

Abstract - The abstract should present a brief summary of the paper including questions being addressed and the key findings of the study. It should not serve as an introduction nor contain references. It consist of one paragraph not exceed 200 words.

Keywords - It provide immediately after the abstract and between 3-10 keywords. Keywords assist readers for indexing purposes.

Introduction - It include the scientific importance, historical background relevance to other area and objectives of the paper.

Material and Methods - It should be written in sufficient detail to enable others to repeat the author(s) work.

Results and Discussion - It may be combined or kept separate and may be further divided into subsections. This section should not contain technical details.

Acknowledgments - Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds etc. should be placed in a separate section before the reference list. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.

Tables and Figure - Tables and figures should not be embedded in the text, but should be included as a separate sheets or files. A short descriptive title should appear above each table with a clear legend and any footnotes suitably identified below. Avoid vertical rules. They are numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Number the tables as Table 1, Table 2 etc, to in the text. Figures should be completely labeled, taking into account necessary size reduction.

References - The style quoting should be as follows

Research article: Grochulski, P., Masson, L., Borisova, S., Pusztai, M. C., Schwarta, J. L., Brousseau R. & Cygler, M. (1995). Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1A (a) insecticidal toxin: Crystal structure and channel formation. Journal of Molecular Biology, 254(2), 447-464.

Proceedings/Seminar/Conference papers: Estruch, J., Warren, G. W., Mullins, M. A., Nye, G. J. Craig, J. A. & Joziel, H. G. (1996). Transgenic Plants: An emerging approach to pest control. In: Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 1995, USA, 93, 5369-5395.

Book and chapters: Winston, J. E. (1999). Describing Species. Columbia University Press, New York pp.518.

Stork, N. (1997). Measuring Global Biodiversity and its Decline (Eds. Reakakudla, M.L., Wilson, D.E. and Wilson, E.O.) Biodiversity II, Joseph Henry Press, Washington DC, p.41-68.

Equations - Each equation should appear on a separate line with proper punctuation placed before and after it. All equations must be numbered sequentially. The number of the equation, in parentheses, should be placed near the right-hand margin. Avoid bars either above or below letters. Avoid subscripts on subscripts, etc. Adequate space must be allowed for marking of inferior and superior letters or numbers. Crowded equations lead to errors in composition. Use the following format to refer to equations in the text: Equation (5) follows from substituting Eqs. (2) and (3) into Eq. (4).

Chemical Reaction Data - (Relevant for only Chemical and Biochemical Fields
For heterogeneous catalysis, presentation should include reaction rates normalized by catalyst surface area, surface area of the active phase, or number of active surface atoms or catalytic sites, as appropriate. Typical rate units are mol s-1 m-2 or, in the case of surface atom normalization to produce turnover frequencies, s-1. For homogeneous catalysis, rates should typically be reported as turnover frequencies. Comparisons of selectivities should be made at similar conversions. Catalytic measurements need to be carried out under kinetically limited conditions. Confirming tests need to be carried out and reported, especially for all reactions occurring in the liquid phase.

Symbols and Units - Greek symbols and special characters often undergo formatting changes and get corrupted or lost during preparation of a manuscript for publication.
To ensure that all special characters used are embedded in the text, these special characters should be inserted as a symbol but should not be a result of any format styling (Symbol font face) otherwise they will be lost during conversion to PDF/XML2 . Authors are encouraged to use SI units, but use of SI units is not mandatory if other units are more appropriate.

Nomenclature - Nomenclature should confirm to current American usage. Insofar as possible, authors should use systematic names similar to those used by Chemical Abstracts Service or IUPAC.

External review - The external review process is initiated when the editor sends the manuscript out for review. When the reports are returned, the Editor makes a decision based on the recommendations received and the number of previous revisions and informs the submitter in a decision letter.

Decisions on initial submissions

a. If the reviews are negative or insufficiently strong to support continued editorial consideration, the manuscript will be rejected.

b. In other cases, including cases where the reviews are mixed, the manuscript will be returned for revision with suggestions and directions for resubmission.

c. With the resubmission, authors must include a cover letter that summarizes the revisions and provides responses to the issues and questions raised by the editor and/or the reviewers. Upon resubmission the manuscript will usually be sent back to the previous reviewers and occasionally to new reviewers for re-review.

Revised manuscript - A revised manuscript should be returned within 6 days for minor changes and 10 days for major revisions. If the manuscript is not returned within this time frame, it will be considered withdrawn by the author and any revised version submitted subsequently will be considered a new contribution.

After acceptance
Copyright transfer -Authors will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to the publisher. This will ensure the widest protection and dissemination of information under copyright laws.
Offprint - Additional offprint can be ordered by the corresponding authors.
Proof reading - The corresponding author will receive a proof and should be return to publisher with in three days of receipt. Correction should be restricted to typesetting error; any other correction may be checked and corrected since the inclusion of late correction cannot be accepted.
Copyright Assignment Form

Copyright Assignment Form