Journal on New Biological Reports - JNBR 12(1) 2023
New records of microfungi from Sanjay Gandhi
National Park (SGNP), Maharashtra, India,
Rashmi Dubey and Amit Diwakar Pandey
Hygrophila auriculata (Acanthaceae): A new addition for Flora of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India
C. S. Purohit, Vivek C.P., Bishnu Charan Dey and Lal Ji Singh
Saprobic Litter Fungi: New Additions to Indian
Rashmi Dubey* and Amit Diwakar Pandey
First Occurrence Report of Rare Leucistic Spectacled Cobra, Naja naja (Linnaeus 1758) In Maharashtra India
Vivek Bawankule, Ashish Walthare, Sudhir Bhandarkar
First Report of the Rare Banded Bay Cuckoo, Cacomantis sonneratii (Latham, 1790) in Navegaon National Park of NNTR Gondia Maharashtra, India
Gopal Paliwal1, Sudhir Bhandarkar2*
Twenty-five Years of Succession in Isolated Montane Red Spruce Communities at Twelve Sites in the Central Appalachians
Harold S. Adams†,1 Adam W. Rollins2* , Steven L. Stephenson3
New Distribution Report of a Rare ‘Lined Supple Skink’, Lygosoma Lineata (Gray, 1839) (Squamata: Scincidae: Lygosominae) in Easten Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra
Vivek Bawankule1,2, Sudhir Bhandarkar2,3*
A Note on Occurrence of an Endangered Plant Cleome rutidosperma var. burmanii from Andaman & Nicobar Islands
C.S. Purohit and Lal Ji Singh
A Note on Occurrence of an Endangered Plant Cleome rutidosperma var. burmanii from Andaman & Nicobar Islands
C.S. Purohit1* and Lal Ji Singh2