Biological Forum - An International Journal - Special Issue: (AAEBSSD-2021)
Assessment of different Organic sources on Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Varieties for Yield and Quality
Ch. Tania*, R. Chatterjee, P. K., Chattopadhyay, A. Phonglosa and T. Basanta*
Effect of Dietary inclusion of Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum Linn) and curry Leaves (Murraya koenigii L), either Singly or in Combination on Performance, Egg Quality and Egg Cholesterol in Laying Quails
Chongtham Sonia*, Praveen K. Tyagi, M. Norjit Singh, Blessa Sailo and Chongtham Tania
Heterotic performance of Morpho-Physiological Traits for Heat Tolerance in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Amarjeet Kumar*, Swati, Sneha Adhikari, Anjali Joshi, Love Kumar, Alka Bharati, Birendra Prasad and Anil Kumar
Comparative Evaluation of Different Cell lines for Adaptation of Orf virus vaccine strain Passaged in Primary lamb testes cells
Golmei Poulinlu, Gnanavel Venkatesan*, Amit Kumar, Anand Kushwaha and D. Muthuchelvan
Identification of sustainable and profitable maize based cropping systems in Godavari Zone
Phani Kumar, K., Dakshinamurty, K.*, Sravanthi, S., Mohan Vishnu Vardhan K., Chamundeswari, N. and Mohan Rao, K.
Front Line Demonstration on Rice Variety Swarna Shreya by KVK in Katni District of Madhya Pradesh: A Impact Study
Arpita Shrivastava*, R. P. Bain, A. K. Tomar and R. K. Mishra
Effect of Treated Sewage Water Irrigation on growth and Yield of Mulberry
Arun Kumar M.* and Chandrashekhar S.
Standardization and Nutrient Composition of the Proso Millet Chakli
Sarojani, J.K.*, Suvarna C. Hegde, S.R. Desai and Balachandra K. Naik
Effect of Drying Methods on Proximates, Sensorial Quality and Shelf Life of Dehydrated Bitter Gourd
I. Tiwari*, A. Upadhyay, F. Ansari, G. K. Rana, K. K. Deshmukh, S. Patidar, P. S. Nayak and A. Singh
Relative Influence of Insecticides on Colony Forming Units (CFUs) of Bacteria and Fungi in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Soil
Tarra Hemanth, Ratna Kumari B.*, Madhumathi T. and Prasanna Kumari V.
Effect of Tillage and Nutrient Management Practices on Physico-chemical and Biological properties of Sandy Clay Loam Soils of Southern Agro-climatic Zone of Andhra Pradesh
T. Bhagavatha Priya*, V. Chandrika, C. Ramana and K.V. Naga Madhuri
Genetic Variability, Heritability, Genetic Advance and Correlation Coefficient Study in Fenugreek Cultivars (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)
Shakthi P.N., K.C. Meena*, I.S. Naruka, D.K. Patidar, Nitin Soni and K. Alam Khan
In vitro Bio control Efficiency of Bacterial Endophytes and its Effect on Growth Parameter of Chilli (Capsicum annum L.)
Suma C. Kammar*, Mahadeva Swamy, Nagaraj M. Naik, Ravindra C. Gundappagol, B.K. Desai and Amaresh Y.S.
Enhancing the Millet System Productivity with Intercrops
M. Jyostna Kiranmai*, S. Saralamma and C.V.C.M. Reddy
Screening, Morphological and Biochemical Evaluation of Cashew Variety in Relation to Tea Mosquito Bug, Helopeltis Antonii Signoret Infestation
Damasia D.M.*, Patel Z.P., Bambharolia R.P. and Makvana A.I.
Drip Irrigation in Rice and Wheat Cropping System under Conservation Agriculture: Water Scarcity Solution
Arpna Bajpai* and Arun Kaushal
Effect of Pretreatment on Dimensional Properties of water Chestnut
F.G. Sayyad*, S.H. Akbari, D.K. Vyas and M.M. Trivedi
Screening of Soybean Genotypes against Major Insect Pests
Bala Muralidhar Naik R.*, Vijaya Lakshmi K., Venkataiah M., Srinivas C., Uma Devi. G. and Radha Krishna K.V.
Survey to Know the Status of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. causing Foot Rot in Irrigated Finger Millet of Southern Karnataka
Raveendra, H.R., Mallikarjuna, N., Sahana S.R.* Shubhashree, K.S. and Madhusudan, K.
Estimation of Genetic Parameters and Association Analysis of Yield and Yield Attributing Traits of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. moench)
S.K. Sameera*, S. Isha Parveen, T. Bhagavatha Priya, C.V. Chandra Mohan Reddy, N. Kamakshi, Srujana and M. Hemanth Kumar
Correlation Amongst Reproductive, Quality and Soil Parameters of Pomegranate in Response to Plant Growth Regulating substances and Fertigation in Vertisols of South-East Rajasthan
Mahaveer Suman*, M.C. Jain and Vikram Kumar Yadav
Weed Management in Kodo Millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.)
Sukanya T.S.*, T. S. Chaithra, C. and Pratima Ningaraddi Morab
Shelf Life Prediction of Canned Palmyra Palm Tender Fruit Endosperm using Accelerated Shelf Life Testing - Arrhenius Method
S.K. Mathanghi*, S. Kanchana and V. Perasiriyan
Land Use and Land Cover Change Analysis using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
Amritpal Digra* and Arun Kaushal
Standardization of Technology for Preparation of Candy from Ripe Papaya (Carica papaya Linn.) Fruits
Nilam, V. Patel*, J.M. Mayani, Dev Raj and T.R. Ahlawat
Locating of Hot Spots of Foot Rot (Sclerotium rolfsii sacc.) of Finger Millet in the Irrigated Ecosystem of southern Dry Zone of Karnataka
Bharath, M., Raveendra, H. R., Sahana S.R.*, Supriya, S. and Shubhashree, K.S.
Impact Assessment of Pheromones Traps and Lures for Fruit fly, Bactrocera spp. in Bundelkhand region
Sundar Pal, David Chella Baskar, Pradeep Kumar and Amit Kumar Patel
Exploitation of Heterosis for Seed Yield and Quality Traits in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
Sandhya, H.R., Madhusudan, K., Raveendra, H. R. and Sahana S.R.*
Studies on Efficacy of Cyantraniliprole 19.8% + Thiamethoxam 19.8% W/W FSAs Seed Treatment against Fall Army Worm Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) on Maize
Phani Kumar, K.* and Kamakshi N.
Synergistic Efficacy of Centella asiatica and Andrographis paniculata in the Treatment of Gastroenteritis in Parvo Viral Infection with Special Reference to Oxidative Stress
Lovelin Shweta Xaxa and Praveen Kumar
Evaluation of Different Botanicals against Yellow Stem Borer (Scirpophaga incertulas, Walker) and Leaf FOLDER (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, Guenee) of Rice
I. Paramasiva*, Ch Sreelakshmi, U. Vineetha and P. Rajasekhar
Growth and Economic Assessment of Multiple Fish varieties-paddy Model and its Suitability in the Integrated Paddy cum Fish Culture System (IPFCS) under Hill Zone of Karnataka, India
Swamy, A.V.*, Shivaprasad, M., Vinay, J.U., Rashmi, C. and Rajanna, C.
Varietal Screening of Gladiolus under Sikkim Agro-Climatic Conditions
S. Gurung, S. Rai* and M. Rana
Economic Analysis of Production and Marketing of Milk in Karnataka
Revappa, M. Rebasiddanavar*, Ajay Verma, R. Raju and Aditi Agrawal
Efficacy of essential oils on groundnut bruchid Caryedon serratus (Oliver)
Y. Srujana*, K. Vemana, K.S.S. Naik, O. Venkateswarlu and E. Venkataramanana
Evaluation of Ecofriendly Management Technique against Root Knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita in Tuberose
T. Senthilkumar
Pruning Severity and timeInfluences the Shoot Growth, Fruiting and Quality Attributes of Ber (Zizyphus mauritiana L), cv. Seb under Arid Kachchh Conditions
Rahul Dev*, Traloki Singh, Arvind S. Teterwal, Sushil Kumar and M. Sureshkumar
Molecular Characterization and Phenotypic Validation of Rice Genotypes for Nutrient Use Efficiency
M. Girija Rani *, Sirisha A., P.V. Ramana Rao, N. Chamundeswari, B.N.V.S.R Ravikumar and P.V. Satyanarayana
Optimization of Seed Rate through Seed Rate Compensation on Growth Parameters of Soybean
Priyanka M.*, Parashivamurthy, Ramanappa, T.M. and Siddaraju, R.
Performance of Lentil (Lens culinars Medik. subsp. culinaris) varieties/Lines in Uplands of Tripura
U. Giri, A. Saha*, S. Biswas, R. Nath and T.K. Maity
Integrated Weed Management in rabi-summer Groundnut
D. Anitha*, K.S.S. Naik, K. Vemana and E. Venkata Ramana
Estimation of Water Requirements in Rice and Groundnut Crops over Telangana
Kanagala Pavani* and Satyendra Nath
Study on Factors Affecting Milk Procurement and Constraints Faced in Milk Procurement in Udham Singh Nagar District of Uttarakhand
Mandeep Kaur, Shweta Chaudhary and Kiran Rana
Formulation of New Growth Medium and Fermentation Conditions for Paenibacillus mucilaginous, a Potassium Releasing Bacterial Stain (KRB-9)
R. Brindavathy* and Shenbagavalli S.
Soil Microbial Population and Soil Enzyme Activity under Organic and Conventional Management Systems in Low Land Rice Ecosystem System of Godavari Delta, Andhra Pradesh
A. Sireesha, V. Bhuvaneswari and P.V. Satyanarayana
Study of Combining ability and Gene Action in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
Dake A. D., Ghodke M. K., Thakur N. R.* and Salunke P. M.
To assess the accomplishment of new wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) under various dates of sowing and agro-ecosystem of northern part of Madhya Pradesh
Rajesh Jadav, S.P.S. Tomar, Kiran Makwana*, Akhilesh Parmar and M.L. Jadav
Resource Use Efficiency in Onion Crop in Jaipur District of Rajasthan
Rajni Bana, R.C. Asiwal*, Sonu Jain and Prerna Dogra
Effect of Nano Nitrogen on Productivity of Sweet Corn (Zea mays Saccharata) and Soil Fertility in Sub-montane Zone of Maharashtra, India
Sarwar I., Gedam V.B.*, Gajbhiye P.N., Bhosale A.S. and Deshmukh D.P.
Path Coefficient Analysis Studies in Safflower Accessions
(Carthamus tinctorius L.)
P.S. Rathod*, S.B. Ghuge, M.P. Wankhade
Assessment of Soil Fertility through Geospatial Techniques in Kurnool Division of Andhra Pradesh
S. Balaji Nayak*, D. Balaguravaiah, K.V. Ramana, T. Giridharakrishna, P. Munirathnam and B. Ravindra Reddy
Irrigation and India Agriculture: Difficulties and Options
P. Dogra*, Omprakash, A. Parashar and R. Asiwal
Evaluation of Colour Fastness Properties of Natural Dyes on Mulberry Silk
Mavilashaw V.P.* and S.V. Krishnamoorthy
Productivity and Economics of Late Sown Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) as Influenced by Seed Rates and Nitrogen Levels
Dinesh Pandey*, A.P. Agrawal, Anjum Ahmad and D.J. Sharma
Productivity and Economics of horsegram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) as Influenced by Genotypes and Fertility Levels on Hill Region of Chhattisgarh
P.S. Rathiya* and Neelam Chouksey
Yield Maximization of Newly State Released Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Varieties under Irrigated Condition
Madhuri Devi Bhagat *, Anjum Ahmad, Dinesh Pandey, M. Sahu and G. Dhar
Relative Preference of Mango Hopper Species on Different Mango Varieties in Chhattisgarh Plain
Dushyant Kumar Kaushik* and Vinod Kumar Nirmalkar
Screening of growth and biomass of Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum L) under organic substrates and physiological assessment
Srikanth G.A.*, Veenashree, L.S., Rachana, T.S., Varsha, G., Arpitha, H.K., Ishwarya, K., and Radhika, N.
Assessment of different doses of Zinc on Growth and yield of different Rice (Orysa sativa) cultivars
Rina Sisodiya, H.K. Rai, Megha Dubey, Usha Waskle, Nidhi Verma and Anjum Ahmed
Bioefficacy of Zanthoxylum acanthopodium and its Combination with Plectranthus ternifolius as a Grain Protectant against Rice Weevil, Sitophilus oryzae
Arati Ningombam*, Romila Akoijam, Aruna Beemrote, I.M Singh, Ch. Tania, S.K Sharma, Th. Seilesh Kumar and Leangzin Gangmei