Biological Forum - An International Journal - Volume 16(8) : 2024
Diversity of Water Beetles (Coleoptera) Over Different Habitats in Some Provinces in Vietnam
Nguyen Quang Cuong, Nguyen Thanh Manh, Phan Thi Giang, Thai Thi Ngoc Lam, Nguyen Dac Dai and Truong Xuan Lam
Studies on Physical and Engineering Properties of Different Varieties of Paddy for Designing a Power Operated Paddy Drum Thresher Cum Winnower
Shankar Lal, S.V. Jogdand, A.K. Dave, Nitin Kumarkoumary and Lakshminath Bhadra
Evaluation of Novel Insecticidal Molecules Against Potato Aphids
J.K. Patel, R.N. Patel, D.M. Zapadiya and S.J. Vaghela
Studies on Heterosis and Inbreeding Depression for Yield and its Attributes in Mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]
Dalip, S.S. Punia, D.K. Gothwal, G.K. Mittal, S.S. Yadav and R.N. Sharma
Impact of Frontline Demonstrations on Productivity of Groundnut-Pigeonpea Relay Cropping System in Saurashtra Region of Gujarat
Poonia T.C. and Bharadiya A.M.
Heterosis Studies for Growth, Flower and Yield Characters in Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.)
Chidanand Vannuri, Vilas D. Gasti, Vijaykumar Rathod, Chandrakant S. Kamble, Dileepkumar Masuthi, Abdul Rahaman M. Nadaf and S.G. Praveenkumar
Exploring the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Nitrogen Fixation in Plants: A Systematic Review
Adil Rahim Margay
Heavy Metals and Physico-Chemical Changes of Plant Species in Bulacao, Concepcion, Valencia City, Bukidnon
Cababan Mc Arthur L., Casona Girlie S., Catane Gretchen V., Cezar Lloyd P., Dap-og Evangiline R., Binghay Denzil Earl Allien N. and Ejem Lynnette A.
Effect of Nitrogen and Sulphur Levels on Growth, Yield and Economics of Gobhi Sarson (Brassica napus L.) in Punjab Conditions
Yumkhaibam Bidyalakshmi and Hemraj Meena
Comparative Analysis of Statistical Model and Machine Learning Algorithms in Forecasting Black Pepper Price of Kerala
Muhammed Irshad M., Kader Ali Sarkar, Digvijay Singh Dhakre and Debasis Bhattacharya
Response of Phosphorus and Sulphur levels on Growth Yield Attributes and Yield of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L.)
Tampha Keisham and Rashpal Singh Sarlach
Optimization of Growth and Yield of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) by Supplying Nutrients through Different Combinations of Organic and Inorganic Nutrient Inputs
Savan Patel, Munira S. Mandviwala and M.S. Dudhat
Influence of Sugar and Jaggery Pretreatment on Drying Kinetics of Banana Slices
Mahendra Kumar, Sudharsan M., Arulkumar M., Sapna Tomar, Sohan Lal Bajya and Yogeshwari R.
Comparative Transcriptomics of Silk glands of Indian Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) Breeds
Kusuma Lingaiah, Satish Lokanath, S. Manthira Moorthy and Sivaprasad Vankadara
Nutritional Quality Analysis of Green Gram Microgreens Grown in Different Media
Gopika P. Hassan and Suma Divakar
Comparative of Rose and Cocoa Flavored Whey-based Drink and its Physicochemical, Textural and Sensory Profile
Sohan Lal Bajya, Yazhini C.R., Yogeshwari R., Ramachandran, Mahendra Kumar and Shankar Lal
Genetic variability for Morphological and Biochemical Parameters for Yield and its Components during Summer in Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.)
M.R. Agavane, M.S. Kamble, K.A. Wagh, S.J. Waghmare and P.N. Gajbhiye
Nuptial Gifts in Insects: Evolution and Significance in Insect’s Reproductive Success
M. Chaitanya, K.R. Mahendra, G.N. Kiran Kumar, K.S. Ishwarya Lakshmi and M. Shashikala
Nutritional and Functional Quality of Rambutan Peel (Nephelium lappaceum L.) Powder
Rosmia P., Anitha Chandran C., Beela G.K. and Suma D.
Process Optimization and Effect of Jaggery on Nutritional and Rheological Behaviour of Burfi
Mahendra Kumar, Sohan Lal Bajya, Prajasattak Kanetkar, Shankar Lal and Saurabh Singh
Foliar Spray of Growth Regulators Modifies Phenology and Physiology of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal
Pratibha Goud, Gyanendra Tiwari, Prabha Tigga, Abhilasha Tiwari, Subrata Sharma, Anubha Upadhyay, R. Shiv Rama Krishnan, Preeti Sagar Nayak and R.K. Samaiya
Effect of Rhodopseudomonas Strains Biomass on Morphological Parameters of Seed Germination of Capsicum annuum L
M. Manjula, K. Rama and B. Rajani
Identification of Red Flesh and White Flesh Jackfruit Genotypes
R. Jayavalli, K. Kumanan and S. Sheeba Joyce Roseleen
Beekeeping: Opportunities and Challenges in Haryana
Singh B., Yadav S., Jat M.K. and Singh N.
Advanced Metabolomic Profiling of the Spray-dried Cow Milk Powder using a High-Resolution Accurate Mass Spectrometer
Shankar Lal, Sohan Lal Bajya, Mahendra Kumar, Mahendra Kumar,
Saurabh Bondre and Ajeet Kumar Upadhyay
Examining the Effects of Nematode Lesions on Gram Yield and Investigating the Potential of various Organic Sources to Reduce these Losses and Improve Crop Productivity
Megha Chaturvedi, Rajesh Kumar Panday, Manish Bishnoi and Vinod Kumar Sharma
Application of Microencapsulation in Frozen Dairy Product- An Overview
Ali Junaid, Kamalesh Kumar Meena and Gaurav Kumar Gaur
Effect of Pesticides Residue on the Biochemical Parameters of the Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) Haemolymph
Sandhya N., Sithara H., Ranjitha Bai H., Prakash Hariwal and Santosh M. Kolur
Abundance and Diversity of Hemipteran Predators in Different Organic Rice Regimes and Efficiency of Different Sampling Methods
M. Chaitanya, G. Anitha and K.R. Mahendra
Cocoon Parameters of Selected Bivoltine Hybrids of Bombyx mori L
Damodhara G.N., Karthik R., B. Manjunatha, Gunashekhar H., N.R. Kiran, Manju Prem S., Ashish Ajrawat, Joopaka Ramu and Suresh Kumar Mahala
The Consumer Preference for Backyard Poultry Birds and Eggs in North Bengaluru, Karnataka
K.L. Manish, Mamathagirish and M.R. Girish
Study of the Influence of Aloe vera Juice at varied Concentrations on Biomolecules in the Silkworm Hybrid FC2
Damodhara G.N., Shalini K.R., Karthik R., B. Manjunatha, Gunashekhar H., Mahendra K.R., Joopaka Ramu, Suresh Kumar Mahala, Yashasvini Goswamy and Roja V.
Mealtime Behavioral Patterns in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Insights from a Kerala-based Study
Shiji N. and Beela G.K.
Mitigating Climate Impact: Novel Strategies for Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Livestock Production
S. Gunasekaran and Karu Pasupathi
Role of Weather Parameters on Development of Target Spot of Cotton caused by Corynespora cassiicola
Dharmesh K. Davara, Iteshkumar B. Kapadiya and Amit M. Polara
Mean Performance and Hybrid Vigour in Mulberry for different Growth and Yield Traits (Morus spp.)
Lohithashwa K.M., Chikkalingaiah, Sapna J.S. and Sushmitha C.
Effect of Pesticide’s Residue on the Physiological Changes in the Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) Haemolymph
Sandhya N., N. Amarnatha, K.C. Narayanaswamy, Manjunath Gowda and N. Nagesha
Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance Related to Seed Yield in Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) Genotypes
Ashok Kumar Meena, Sandhya Kulhari and Manoj Kumar
Residual Effect of Chemical Insecticides used Against Thrips on Cocoon and Reeling Parameters of Silkworm Bombyx mori L
Sithara H., Sandhya N., Ranjitha Bai H. and P. Harshita Mala
Fitting the Lee-Carter Model: A Statistical Approach to Mortality Forecasting
Bhupendra Meena, Shivendra Pratap Singh, Anuj Kumar and Rahul Shukla
Storage Performance of various Late kharif Onion (Allium cepa L.) varieties using Three Sowing Dates in Assam
Vandna, Sailen Gogoi, Reecha T. Das, Mukesh Kumar and Sheetal Rawat
Biofertilizers in India: Growth Patterns and Export Competitiveness
Manojkumar Patil, Ajayakumar, Sagar, Suman L., B. Nandita and Priyanka V.
Self-Incompatibility: Nature's Breeding Barrier Unveiling the Secrets of Self-Rejection in Plants – A review
Roshin Mariam George and M.R. Bindu
Cost Effective Implements for Small Wheat Farmers in Bhal Region of Gujarat
Shakya H.B., Vinzuda Sudhir, Thorat G.N. and Rangapara D.J.
Study on Population Dynamics of Green Leaf Hopper (GLH) and its Correlation with Different Weather Parameters under Staggered Planting of Different Aromatic Paddy varieties
Debashree Sarkar, Anupama Baliarsingh, Bhupen Kumar Sahu and Deepanjali Dugal
Effect of Nano Fertilizers on Growth and Quality of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Hitesh Borana, Ishwar Singh, Jeeva Ram Verma, Bheru Lal Kumhar, Pushkar Dev and Moola Ram
Awareness, Buying Behaviour and Constraints of Farmers for Fungicides in Botad District
Divya G. Dabhi and Mehul G. Thakkar
Taxonomic Studies of the Genus Mastigophora in India
Devendra Singh, Meghna Paul and Titir Saha
Impact of Rainfall on Rice Productivity in Terai Region of Uttarakhand
Gaurav Kumar Chaturvedi and A.S. Nain
A Comparative Analysis of Knowledge Level of Dairy Farmers Regarding Scientific Farming Practices in Karnal District
Sruthi C.O., B.S. Meena, Vishnu Priya A. and V.V. Solanki
Harnessing the Potential of Chlorella vulgaris for Sustainable Bioplastic Production
Sona A., Bhagyalakshmi S. and Priya Senan V.
Constrains for Agripreneurship as perceived by the Post Graduate Students of State Agricultural Universities of Gujarat
Anil Kumar and Mehul G. Thakkar
Increasing the Mustard Productivity through Cluster Frontline Demonstrations in Jaipur District of Rajasthan
Babu Lal Yadav and Irfan Khan
Impact of Weed Management Practices on Growth and Yield of Spring Maize under Different Irrigation Levels
Munny Chinyo, Tej Pratap, V.K. Singh, Navneet Pareek, S.P. Singh and V.C. Dhyani
A Study on Documentation of Constraints in the Functioning of Water User Associations in Mula Command Area
Ramesh Chand Bunkar, Manohar B. Dhadwad, Sunil Kumar Meena, B. Mounika and Keesam Manasa