International Journal on Emerging Technologies - Volume 10(2a): 2019

Econometric Estimation of Food Services Supply Factors
Sazida Shakirova, Ekaterina Kadochnikova and Anna Lyzhova

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Modern Forms and Methods of Training Specialists for Economy
Tatyana Anatolievna Snetkova , Sergey Eduardovich Markaryan and Tatyana Vasilievna Elsukova

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ABC-XYZ Analysis as a Key Tool for Optimizing Public Procurement Planning
Gulnaz Ilgizovna Khaliullina, Olga Vladimirovna Demyanova, Diaz Radykovich Kadyrov

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Digitalization of Receivables Management
Daniya Kamalovna Bikchantaeva, Pavel Anatolievich Samolyanov and Ilvira Ilinichna Stepanova

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Formation of Organizational and Economic Mechanism of the Firm's Competitiveness Management
Ahmad Hassan Ahmad Ahmed

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Imitation Modeling as a Tool of Analytical Substantiation of Sales Policy
Irina Atyunkina and Alexey Kirpikov

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Features of Managing Sources of Financing Organizations in Post-crisis Conditions
Alina Marselevna Khamidulina and Gulshat Talgatovna Guzelbaeva

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Multi–Criteria Evaluation in Terms of Slovak Local Government-Case Study of Trencin Region
Askar Nailevich Mustafin and Roman Vavrek

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Tax Regulation of the Russian Economy Real Sector Crediting
Orlova, M.E., Adigamova, F.F., Nasyrova, V.I. and Salmina, S.V.

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The Economic Content of the Russian-Iranian Peace Treaties
Marina Maratovna Imasheva, Albina Marselevna Imamutdinova and Elmira Ildarovna Nazmieva

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The Future of Digital Technology in Russia: Blockchain as One of the Priority Directions of Development
Ekaterina Anatolevna Grigoreva , Liliya Fuatovna Garifova and Elvira Anasovna Polovkina

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Internal Fraud as a Threat to the Liquidity of a Commercial Organization
Diana Shamilevna Usanova1, Svetlana Sergeevna Meleshenko and Daniil Vsevolodovich Krivin

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Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of International Capital Movement and the Main Tendencies of its Regulation
Z.K. Radjabova, O.R. Radjabov, P.M. Kamalova, M.M. Osmanov, M.A. Murtuzalieva, U.GG. Magomedova

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Organizational Factors of Labor Productivity Growth: A Statistical Aspect
Ekaterina Anatolevna Grigoreva, Elvira Anasovna Polovkina and Liliya Kabirovna Astafyeva

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Analysis of the Efficiency of Company’s Intangible Assets Management
Elvina Fagimovna Gazimova, AigylIl Shatovna Sabirova, Elena Sergeevna Zakharova and RustemIldarovich Khabetdinov

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Causal Relationship between Human Capital and Economic Growth in European Countries (EU-28): Panel Analysis
Abdelmajied Fathy E.Y. and Lenar N Safijllin

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The Use of Arima Model in Forecasting Accounts Payable
EkaterinaIvanovna Kadochnikova, Tatiana ValeryevnaErina and Shamil Gadelevich Zainullin

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Econometric Assessment of the Factors of Enterprise Receivables
Ekaterina Ivanovna Kadochnikova, Natalya Borisovna Semenikhina and Alina Nailovna Garifullina

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Formation of an Optimal Road Network in Large Cities and Agglomerations
Dmitry Vladimirovich Rodnyansky, Albina Rishatovna Mordvinova, Ivan Nikolaevich Makarov and Alina Marselevna Khamidulina

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Methodical Approaches to the Formalized Assessment of Developmental Regularities of Blockchain Technologies in Regions of Russia
Marat Rashitovich Safiullin, Aliya Aidarovna Abdukaeva and Leonid Alekseevich Elshin

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Сrisis Management in Small Business
Gulnara Raisovna Chumarina , Margarita Andreevna Mikhailova, and Guzel Azatovna Abulkhanova

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Formation of a Method for Determination of a Commercial Credit Bank Rating
Dilyara Farilovna Zakirova, Elvira Farilovna Zakirova and Ekaterina Alekseevna Potapova

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Downloads : 488

Evaluating the Quality Management of Innovation in the Kazan Federal University: The Sociological Research Results
Vladimir Yurevich Dubrovin, Aidar Robertovich Zakirov, Aigul Raisovna Zaripova and Solovarova Yulia Nikolaevna

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Ensuring Competitiveness of Advertising in the Organization Management System
Gulnara Raisovna Chumarina , Margarita Andreevna Mikhailova and Yelena Anatolyevna Andreeva

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Internal and External Conditions of GR-Strategy Implementation
Aidar Robertovich Zakirov, Aigul Raisovna Zaripova and Vladimir Yurevich Dubrowin

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Marketing of Impressions as the Tool of Bank Client Loyalty Increase
Elvira Ravilevna Tagirova and Mikhail Georgievich Pureliani

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Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Improving the Efficiency of Grain Production at the Regional Level
Alina R. Battalova, Oksana A. Ignatjeva, Farit N. Mukhametgaliev and Landish F. Sitdikova

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The Influence of a Professional Accountant's Judgment on the Financial Performance of Organization
Lidiya I. Kulikova, Albina R. Gubaidullina and Tatyana V. Elsukova

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Management of Labor Conflicts in Conditions of Organizational Changes (for Example, Creative Organization)
Aigul Airatovna Gimadeeva and Rustem Ilhamovich Zalyaev

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The Relationship between Social Capital and Opportunistic Behavior
Nataliya Sergeevna Seliverstovа and Olga Vitalievna Grigoryeva

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Formation of Method for Assessing the Impact of Economic Sanctions on the Stability of the Russian Banking System
Dilyara Farilovna Zakirova , Elvira Farilovna Zakirova , Safiullin Lenar Nailevich and Aliya Albertovna Ahmadullina

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Priority Areas of Development of Agricultural Entrepreneurship in the Regions of the Russian Federation
Alina R. Battalova , Ruslan Sh.Tukhvatullin , Farit N. Mukhametgaliev and Farida F. Mukhametgalieva

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Fuzzy Forecast Approach to Estimation of Complex Engineering System's Acceptability
Ilyas Idrisovich Ismagilov, Linar Aleksandrovich Molotov and Pavel Zinovev

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Management of University Innovation Potential in the Modern Reality of Kazakhstan
Dilyara Shakirova , Elena Ivanov , Aliya Ye. Abaidilda and Aigul B. Maidyrova

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Interaction of the Banking and Real Economy Sectors in the Regional Aspect
Elvira Ildarovna Bulatova , Elvira Petrovna Duvalova , Julia Igorevna Duvalova and Aigul Rustemovna Khafizova

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The Concept of Risk and its Essence, Problems in the Study of the Concept of Risk
Aidar Miralimovich Tufetulov and Dinara Damirovna Kuzmina

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The Role of the Global Internet in the Life of a Modern Students of Tatarstan Russia
Margarita D. Mironova , Svetlana V. Markova , Yulia V. Seregina and Railya R. Kalimullina

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Tourist Directions and Routes of the Sacred and Pilgrims in the Ulyanovsk Region
Elisaveta Valerevna Kuznecova , Rail Ravilovich Fahrutdinov and Bahtiar Fahrutdinov

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Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the University Electronic Information and Educational Environment
Adel Shamsiev and Evgeny Babin

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Pedagogical Design in the Training Courses Development Process using Mind Mapping
E.M. Ibragimova , L.T. Bakulina , M.G. Ibragimov and V.V. Dunaeva

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Social Human System as an Epistemological Problem of Complexity Theory
Javier Alberto Piloto Rodriguez and Evgeniya Mikhailovna Nikolaeva

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Improvement of Efficiency of Labor Capacity on the Example of Oil and Gas Processing Enterprise
Lenar Nailevich Safiullin and Albina Faridovna Mingazova

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Comparative analysis of National Innovation Systems through an Indicator of R & D Expenditures
Sergey Valentinovich Chekhlomin and Olga Vladimirovna Demyanova

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Indicator Method of Assessing Materiality
Karzaeva N.N.

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The use of Recurrent Neural Networks to Solve a Regression Type Problem
Marat Rashitovich Safiullin, Leonid Alekseevich Elshin and Ayzat Minekhanovich Gilmanov

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Market Capitalization Modeling of Petrochemical Enterprises on the Basis of Multifactorial Regression Models
Ruslan Rinatovich Sagitov, Diana Shamilevna Usanova, Alexey Nikolaevich Kirpikov and Svetlana Sergeevna Meleshenko

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Development of a Regression Model of Dependence of Territorial Development of the Republic of Tatarstan on Implementation of Infrastructure Projects
Julia Stanislavovna Korchagina

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The Implementation of the Russian Federation of International Tax Agreements: Analysis of Concerns and Suggestions
Adel Ilsiyarovich Abdullin, Maria Valerevna Keshner, and Asiia Sharifullovna Gazizova

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Downloads : 553

The Hedonic Model of the Land for Agricultural Purposes Market Value
NailyaMalikovnaYakupova, EkaterinaIvanovna Kadochnikova,Igor Leonidovich Beilin and Gulia MakhmutovnaIskhakova

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Assessment of the Reputation Capital Impact of a Region on its Economic Growth Parameters on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan
Marat Rashitovich Safiullin, Alexander Stanislavoich Grunichev and Leonid Alekseevich Elshin

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Financial Development Determinants of FDI on Emerging Markets
Dashkin R.M. and Makarenko D.S.

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Cluster Analysis of the Russian Regions by the Human Capital Development and Digital Resources Factors
Gabdullin Nail Maratovich, Kamaev Bulat Nailevich and Kirshin Igor Alexandrovich

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Forecasting the Enterprise Tax Base through Regression of One-Dimensional Time Series
EkaterinaIvanovna Kadochnikova, Tatiana Valeryevna Erina and AnnaIgorevna Margushova

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